Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dun Dun Dun...IM BACK!

Yay! So I figured out how to sign into my account again! Yay me! Because I am on the brink of a life change and I want to share it with everyone :p So I have not been able to sleep in anticipation of the life change I will be making when I awake, 3 days of nothin but juice fasting and exercise :/ and if I survive? Another 3 days and so on. I am doin this for my health, Im tired of being sick and tired all the time! Im tired of playing victim to food, I dont want it to control me anymore! And my band just played a show last weekend and I was so disappointed about how I looked in photos and on vid! I NEED TO GET MY A$$ IN SHAPE MY FRIENDS! This life change will be better for me overall and bring me closer to nature, how we were intended to be! Wish me luck! See you in the morning!

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