Saturday, February 5, 2011


       Why do people say "IM SO BORED"? When they really mean to say "IM SO LAZY" or "IM SO BROKE" instance right at this very moment I am bored as hell but I shouldnt be. I have alot of things I could be doing. Could go downstairs and jam on my guitar and sing, could go out dancing, could clean, could go to the gym, could go skating...but then I think MAN, that would take too much effort right now so then that really boils down to the fact that Im too lazy or when it comes to the club or goin skating tonight that can boil down to the fact that Im broke :p

         I guess I could blog..wait a min, Im already doin that....I could nap but I already did that and I dont wanna waste anymore of my day. Geez, its a Saturday night! I should be doing something! Then I make excuses for myself like I went to 2 concerts this week and drove 10+ through Texas and back so I did load myself full of fun this week and I have the right to be exahsted.

          I guess it could be the weather thats finally gotten to me and now I just dont feel like fightin through the damn snow to do anything. GOD I HATE SNOW. I dont just hate it I really, really, really hate it. There are people out there, you know who you are, that ruin it for all of us. Talkin about "I wish it would snow!" or "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"  Well, I say F-U DUDE if you want snow then pick ya ass up and move where the snow is!!

            Everytime someone wishes for damn snow around here chantin' it like a G-D SHAMAN it starts a blizzard or an ice storm. So now if I wanna go somewhere I gotta walk through 3-4ft snow drifts to get to my car then hope my car doesnt get stuck when I drive it. I guess I wont be bored.... I guess dancing it is.....Time for me to stop bitchin and get up off my ass :P

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